Respiro Opera, NYC – June 14-23, 2024
Respiro Opera, NYC is an intensive training program designed to aid the artistic development of the emerging young professional. Classes will be offered in breath awareness, hands on Alexander Technique, Body Mapping, Feldenkrais and yoga for singers. The freeing of the body and breath is essential and compatible with all vocal techniques. Participants in Respiro Opera’s program will work with basic stagecraft and the skill set required for today’s opera performer. Each Respiro Opera participant will be responsible for the word by word translation and will learn how to frame the scene or aria with respect to the cultural framework of composer and librettist.
Respiro Opera, NYC’s faculty uphold and honor musical style and tradition from bel canto through contemporary opera. The objective of each faculty member is to raise the participant’s level of confidence in a supportive and honest way. Our faculty is composed of highly regarded professionals with connections to young artist programs and American opera companies.
Respiro Opera, NYC will provide each participant with a video of the final performance. Videos will also be used by Respiro Opera, NYC for promotional purposes and for those individuals who cannot attend the public performance.
Note: Class participation is limited to 8 participants.
All classes at Opera America 330 Seventh Avenue between 28/29th NYC.
Visit our Respiro Opera NYC Website
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Respiro Opera, NYC is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non‐profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Respiro Opera, NYC must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” and are tax‐deductible to the extent permitted by law.